Personal data


Your documents

(cover letter, curriculum vitae, certificate)

To get into contact with you, we need your contact information. In this, we follow the principle of using data sparingly,meaning you only have to fill in the fields with a *.

You can provide additional information on a voluntary basis.

The data you provide will only be used to contact you and not added to other data or transferred to third parties. To protect your data, the connection to this website is encrypted.

You can withdraw your consent to data processing at any time. All of your rights under the GDPR and our data protection statement remain completely intact. Our data protection statement can be found using the following link to the data protection statement.

To send this form and contact us, you must click the following check box to provide your consent to data processing.

I consent to the data I enter being processed by the page operator. My right to withdraw my consent remains unaffectedby granting consent.

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